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EveryYouth Healthy

Young people who become homeless have usually experienced multiple adverse childhood experiences (e.g. neglect, abuse, witnessing addiction or mental illness).  The mental and emotional toll of these experiences are compounded by homelessness. 

Current services are often unable to respond quickly enough to young people in housing crisis and mental health problems can become embedded.  We can’t expect young people take the risks necessary to move on with their lives when they are struggling with poor mental health.  

EveryYouth Healthy provides young people with individually tailored counselling quickly. This helps young people to cope with traumas, to better engage with the services available and to improve their emotional resilience.


young people received mental health support


of young people are reporting improved mental health

£52 can provide a young person with an hour of specialist mental health support.


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If you are a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid increases your donation by 25%. That means a £10 donation is worth £12.50 to us with no extra cost to you.

Your Gift Aid statement: I confirm that I am a UK taxpayer and I would like EveryYouth to reclaim the take on all qualifying donations I have made in the past four years, as well as future donations until I notify them otherwise. I understand that if I pay less income/capital gains tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in the tax year in which they are received then it is my responsibility to pay any difference. Please remember to let us know of any changes to your tax status, including changes to your name or address, or if you need to cancel this agreement.

We always keep your details safe and never pass them on to other organisations. Our supporters and the trust you place in us, is of the utmost importance. You can read our Supporter Promise and our Privacy Policy to see how we use your details and our commitment to you. You can change your contact preferences at any time by contacting us at

Your donation

EveryYouth Healthy also has wider economic and societal benefits. Pro Bono Economics (PBE) estimates that the Fund could generate almost £1M in economic benefits from reduced NHS demand and increased work productivity. Read the full report here.

“We are ambitious for all young people but they can only fulfil their potential if they can address their trauma. Existing services are catastrophically over-stretched and are not providing the support young people need. We know that if young people get the right support at the right time they can overcome almost any trauma so that’s what we try to do”
Nick Connolly, CEO of EveryYouth


Edward writes about overcoming his turbulent childhood, working as a Desktop Engineer, and moving in with his partner.

Charlotte talks about how she overcame homelessness and is now returning to education to help other young people.

Kay writes how she overcame her grief to pursue an incredible career in healthcare and move into her own home.

Coming Soon!